Friday 1 November 2013

Museo Archeologico Nazionale

Gladiator Helmet (from Pompei)
The most important archaeological museum in Italy, hosted in a building with a complex and interesting architectural history. Born towards the end of the sixteenth century as a stable, in 1612 it was turned into a “Palace of the Studies”, venue of the University. In 1777 it was chosen as the seat of the “Real Bourbon Museum”, to host the rich archaeological, artistic and bibliographic collections and the cultural institutions related to it, like the Royal Bourbon Society and the School of Fine Arts. 

Garibaldi gave it the name of “National Museum” and, during the twentieth century, with the shift of the library to the Royal Palace and of the pinacotheca to Capodimonte, it was finally devoted to the Archaeological Museum. 

Afrodite Callipige
Many are the important collections here preserved, like the extraordinary Farnese collection with its archeological finds of the Vesuvian area coming from the Ercolanese Museum in Portici (among which are frescoes, sculptures, bronzes, ivories, bones, terracotta, glass windows, vases and mosaics), the collections of the Palatine Museum, created by Carolina Murat, the important numismatic collections of the University of Naples and Carelli, the collection of Etruscan vases Falconet, the Egyptian collection with mummies, mummy-cases, mirrors, vases, the collection of vases and terracotta Gargiulo, the collection from Cuma, the Santangelo collection, with findings coming from southern Italy and the Stevens collection from Cuma.
Plaster cast of a woman (from Pompei)